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Warriors, Settlers and Nomads: Discovering who we are and what we can be

Praxis Für Hypnoanalyse M Lammerding

Hi there,

today I want to introduce the concept of "Warriors, Settlers and Nomads" by Terence Watts.

This amazingly powerful approach can help you understand yourself and people around you.

This concept is based on the idea that we're not born with clean slates but embryonic characters inherited from our ancestors, handed down from species to species,

At the dawn of time, so Watts's theory goes, Homo sapiens was neatly divided into two types: warriors, or forceful, ruthless types; and settlers, gentle people whose only flaw was an excessive need to be liked. For 90,000 years, the two existed in harmony, but 10,000 years ago the settlers learnt to farm. Realising the value of the skill, the warriors forced the settlers to work for them. A gradual combining of the two species began, but not until a third character-type was born - the Nomads, who took to the road to avoid living a sedentary lifestyle like the settlers or taking orders from the warriors.

The problem is now that people are all jumbled up and are forced to live in ways opposed to the way they're programmed theory during his training as an analyst. Thus predominantly warrior children are told by predominantly settler mothers that their natural instincts are wrong. They are taught to suppress their natural urges and be ashamed of them. We spend all our time trying to be people we're not and apologising for someone else's mistake. This conflict is very stressful and is where most of our social problems and neuroses come from.

Modern warriors have a very direct, forthright approach to life. They are good at getting things done but are intolerant of those who are less decisive than them. They are methodical, sensible and can think on their feet.

However, warriors also have trouble admitting fault and can be manipulative and ruthless in their determination to look after number one. They are easily recognised by their unresponsive body language, steady gaze and cautious response to questions. They are not keen on talking about themselves. Most politicians are warriors.

The modern settler is a people person. Settlers like to share, and being liked is vitally important to them. They are cheerful, communicative, kind and sensitive and overridingly optimistic in their approach to life. The body language of settlers is politely responsive and they talk easily about themselves.

Today's nomads constantly seek change, excitement and new things. They are outgoing, dramatic and can quite often be found in jobs which require an extrovert manner, such as acting. They have an infectious enthusiasm and will often be a great source of inspiration for others. Nomads also have leanings towards fickleness. They have few inhibitions and can be embarrassingly noisy and outspoken, sometimes in a childish manner akin to petulance. It is important to remember that almost nobody will be a pure type and most exhibit characteristics from each group. In any one individual the emotional responses tend to come from their settler self, their aggression from their warrior and personal presentation from the nomadic side of their personality. It is the degree of each which governs their overall way of being. Both warriors and nomads will frequently adopt a settler approach if it is required of them socially, but while the nomad will act it, the warrior will use it.

But identifying which types of each character we contain is just the beginning: Modern society is hothousing an excess of warriors. As society advances, we are bound to see more warriors because they're the ones that survive. But society is creating too many warriors. Everyone is so ambitious nowadays and encouraged to disregard authority we are becoming excessively assertive at a young age, leading to excesses of violence. Only when we understand why we are motivated to behave as we do can we solve this problem. Only by understanding our inner warrior, settler or nomad selves can we be truly happy.

WARRIORS: Modern warriors have a direct, decisive approach to life. They are good at solving problems and getting things done. They don't suffer fools gladly.

SETTLERS: The settler is a people person. Settlers like to share life and living with others and it is important to them that they are liked. They are versatile and can find answers to problems that others shun.

NOMADS: Modern nomads seek change, excitement and new things. They like fun with a capital F, are usually outgoing and present themselves well, sometimes dramatically.

If I caught your interest feel free to contact me or come and see me and I can tell you more about this highly effective tool and with a quick test we can even determine what type you are!



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